

Specifies a node name, I/O standard assignment, and SignalProbe source for a pin, and reserves a pin for future use, as described in the following table. These options are not available if you turn on Show 'no connect' pins, and the selected pin is a "no connect" pin.

Pin name Specifies the node name that you want to assign to the pin selected in the Available pins & existing assignments list.
Browse (...) Opens the Node Finder, which allows you to copy a node name to the Assign Pins dialog box.
I/O Standard

Specifies the I/O standard for the selected pin; the default standard is listed automatically.

You cannot add the information in the I/O Standard list to a pin if the pin is not assigned a node name (that is, does not have a node name in the Pin name box).

This option is not available for ACEX® 1K, FLEX® 6000, FLEX 10KE, MAX® 3000A, or MAX 7000AE devices.

Reserve pin (even if it does not exist in the design file) Reserves the selected pin for one of the following purposes:  More Details

As input tri-stated The pin is reserved as an input pin.
As output driving ground The pin is reserved as an output pin and drives the ground signal.
As output driving an unspecified signal The pin is reserved as an output pin and drives any signal.
As VREF The pin is reserved as a VREF pin, which is needed for certain I/O standards in APEX 20KC, APEX 20KE, APEX II, ARM®-based Excalibur, and Mercury devices.
As SignalProbe output The pin is reserved as a SignalProbe output pin for use with a SignalProbe compilation.  Read This First

You must turn on Reserve pin (even if it does not exist in the design file) to reserve the pin when you click Add or Change. Reserving a pin by using this option overrides the pin reserve information specified in the Unused Pins tab of the Device & Pin Options dialog box, which is available from the Device page in the Settings dialog box (Assignments menu).

You cannot add the information in the Reserve pin list to a pin if the pin is not assigned a node name (that is, does not have a node name in the Pin name box).

SignalProbe source Specifies the signal name that you want to route to the SignalProbe output pin in the Available pins & existing assignments list.  Read This First
SignalProbe enable Enables SignalProbe routing for the pin in the Available Pins & Existing Assignments list.
Enable All SignalProbe Routing Enables SignalProbe routing for all pins specified as SignalProbe pins in the Available Pins & Existing Assignments list.

Enable All SignalProbe Routing appears only when Show current and potential SignalProbe pins is turned off.

Disable All SignalProbe Routing Disables SignalProbe routing for all pins specified as SignalProbe pins in the Available Pins & Existing Assignments list.

Disable All SignalProbe Routing appears only when Show current and potential SignalProbe pins is turned off.

Add Adds the node name assignment, reserve information, and I/O standard to the selected pin, and adds the node name to the Available pins & existing assignments list. Also, if specified in the Assign Pins dialog box, adds SignalProbe information to the pin.

Add appears only when the pin you select in the Available pins & existing assignments list (and to which you add information under Assignment) does not have a previously assigned node name.

Change Adds the new node name assignment, reserve information, and I/O standard to the selected pin, and, if you changed the node name assignment, changes the node name in the Available Pins & Existing Assignments list. Also, if specified in the Assign Pins dialog box, adds new SignalProbe information to the pin.

Change appears only when the pin you select in the Available Pins & Existing Assignments list (and to which you add information under Assignment) has a previously assigned node name.

Delete Removes the node name assignment, reserve information, and I/O standard from the selected pin, and removes the node name from the Available Pins & Existing Assignments list. Also, if specified in the Assign Pins dialog box, removes SignalProbe information from the pin.

When there is no node name assigned to the pin, Delete is not available.

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