
More Details About Saving Synthesis Results for an Entity to a Verilog Quartus Mapping File

When you compile an entity with Incremental synthesis, the Quartus® II software generates a Verilog Quartus® Mapping File (.vqm) for the entity.

By default, the Quartus II software places the VQM File in the atom_netlists directory under the current project directory. You can direct the Quartus II software to place this file in a different directory by specifying the directory path in the File name box on the Synthesis page in the Settings dialog box (Assignments menu). However, the Quartus II software cannot place the VQM File in the same directory as the current project.

The generated VQM File may differ depending on whether you generate it after logic synthesis or after fitting because the Fitter's register packing operation may reduce the number of logic cells in the entity's netlist.

To generate the VQM File after logic synthesis, perform an analysis and synthesis.

If you plan to use the generated VQM File in another project and to import LogicLock region assignments for the entity contained in the VQM File, and you have turned on the Auto Packed Registers logic option in the current project, then you should generate the VQM File after fitting. In this way, you can preserve the register packing from the current project when you use the VQM File in other projects.


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