LogicLock Regions

Origin Settings

Allows you to specify the currently selected LogicLock region's origin.

The origin specifies the location of either the top left corner or the bottom left corner of the region, depending on the device family. For APEX 20K, APEX II, ARM®-based Excalibur, and Mercury devices, the origin defines the top left corner of the region. For Cyclone, Stratix, and Stratix GX devices, the origin defines the bottom left corner of the region.

The options available for specifying the origin may vary depending on the device selected.

Current Origin (top left corner)

Displays the current location of the LogicLock region's top left corner.

This field is displayed for device families for which the LogicLock region origin is the top left corner of the region.

Current Origin (bottom left corner)

Displays the current location of the LogicLock region's bottom left corner.

This field is displayed for device families for which the LogicLock region origin is the bottom left corner of the region.

Change Sets the origin of the currently selected LogicLock region to the values selected in the Resource type, MegaLAB row name, MegaLAB column number, LAB name, ESB name, Row name, Column number, X coordinate, and/or Y coordinate lists.  More Details
Resource type

Specifies the type of logic available on the device at the origin; either MegaLAB, LAB logic, or ESB logic.

If you specify an origin as a MegaLAB, the Quartus® II software converts this origin to the leftmost Logic Array Block (LAB) or Embedded System Block (ESB) in that MegaLAB before writing it to the Entity Settings File (.esf).

MegaLAB row name Specifies the name of the MegaLAB row at the origin.
MegaLAB column number Specifies the number of the MegaLAB column at the origin.
LAB name

Specifies the LAB.

This option is available only if the Resource type is LAB logic.

ESB name

Specifies the ESB.

This option is available only if the Resource type is ESB logic.

Row name

Specifies the row name at the origin.

Column number

Specifies the column number at the origin.

X coordinate

Specifies the X coordinate at the origin.

Y coordinate

Specifies the Y coordinate at the origin.

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