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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.


This command is available for UNIX only (excluding Linux).

The play command replays a sequence of keyboard and mouse actions that were previously saved to a file with the record command. Returns nothing.

Note: Play returns immediately; the playback proceeds in the background. Caution must be used when putting play commands in do (macro) files.






Specifies the recorded file to replay. Required.

Playback controls

The following Tcl set commands control the playback type and speed by setting the play_macro() global variables. The commands are invoked from the ModelSim command line.

set play_macro(speed)

Specify the playback speed: either demo (with the delay specified below), or fast (no delays).

set play_macro(delay)

Specifies the delay time in milliseconds. Controls the speed of playback in demo mode.

See also

macro_option, record

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase