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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.


This command is available for UNIX only (excluding Linux).

The macro_option command controls the speed and delay of macro (DO file) playback, plus the level of debugging feedback. If invoked without any options, macro_option returns all current settings; returns a specific setting if invoked with an option and no argument; returns the previous setting if invoked with both an option and an argument.



[speed fast | demo] | [delay <delay_time>] | [debug <level>]


speed fast | demo

Set the macro playback speed to fast or demo. Optional.

delay <delay_time>

Set the delay time in milliseconds; delay is the time between events in demo mode. Optional.

debug <level>

Set the debug level from 1 to 9; 9 giving the most feedback. Optional.

See also

play, run

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase