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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.


The modelsim command starts the ModelSim GUI without prompting you to load a design. This command is valid only for Windows platforms, and may be invoked in one of three ways:

from the DOS prompt
from a ModelSim shortcut
from the Windows Start > Run menu

To use modelsim arguments with a shortcut, add them to the target line of the shortcut's properties. (Arguments work on the DOS command line too, of course.)

The simulator may be invoked from either the MODELSIM prompt after the GUI starts or from a DO file called by modelsim.



[-do <macrofile>] [-project <project file>]


-do <macrofile>

Specifies the DO file to execute when modelsim is invoked. Optional.

Note: In addition to the macro called by this argument, if a DO file is specified by the STARTUP variable in modelsim.ini, it will be called when the vsim command is invoked.

-project <project file>

Specifies the modelsim.ini file to load for this session. Optional.

See also

vsim, do, and "Using a startup file"

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
Voice: (503) 641-1340
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase