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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.


The pause command placed within a macro interrupts the execution of that macro.






When you execute a macro and that macro gets interrupted, the prompt will change to:

VSIM (pause)7>

This "pause" prompt reminds you that a macro has been interrupted.

When a macro is paused, you may invoke another macro, and if that one gets interrupted, you may even invoke another - up to a nesting level of 50 macros.

If the status of nested macros gets confusing, use the status command. It will show you which macros are interrupted, at what line number, and show you the interrupted command.

To resume the execution of the macro, use the resume command. To abort the execution of a macro use the abort command.

See also

abort, do, resume, run

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase