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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

power add

The power add command is used prior to the power report command. Data produced by these commands can be translated (by a Synopsys utility) to drive the Synopsys power analysis tools. This command specifies the signals or nets to track for power information. Returns nothing.


power add

[-in] [-inout] [-internal] [-out] [-ports] [-r] <signalsOrNets> ...



Specifies only inputs. Optional.


Specifies only inouts. Optional.


Specifies only design internal signals or nets. Optional.


Specifies only outputs. Optional.


Specifies only design ports. Optional.


Searches recursively on a wildcard specified for the signal or net. Optional.

<signalsOrNets> ...

Specifies the signal or net to track. Required. Multiple names or wildcards may be used. Must refer to VHDL signals of type bit, std_logic, or std_logic_vector, or to Verilog nets.

When using wildcards, the -in, -inout, -internal, -out, and -ports arguments filter the qualifying signals. If you specify more than one of these arguments, the logical OR of the arguments is performed.

See also

power report, power reset

See the Synopsys Power documentation for more information.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
Voice: (503) 641-1340
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase