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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

WLF files (datasets) and virtuals

Chapter contents

WLF files (datasets)

Saving a simulation to a WLF file

Opening datasets

Viewing dataset structure

Managing datasets

Using datasets with ModelSim commands

Restricting the dataset prefix display

Virtual Objects (User-defined buses, and more)

Virtual signals

Virtual functions

Virtual regions

Virtual types

Dataset, WLF file, and virtual commands

A ModelSim simulation can be saved to a wave log format (WLF) file (using the -wlf <filename> argument to the vsim command) for future viewing or comparison to a current simulation. We use the term "dataset" to refer to a WLF file that has been reopened for viewing.

With ModelSim release 5.3 and later, you can open more than one WLF file for simultaneous viewing. You can also create virtual signals that are simple logical combinations of, or logical functions of, signals from different datasets.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase