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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Dataset, WLF file, and virtual commands

The table below provides a brief description of the actions associated with datasets, WLF files, and virtual commands. For complete details about syntax, arguments, and usage, refer to the ModelSim Command Reference.

Command name
closes the specified dataset
lists all open datasets
opens a dataset
assigns a new logical name to the specified dataset
creates a WLF file for the current simulation
suspends writing of data to the WLF file for the specified signals
searches one or more of the currently open WLF files for a specified condition
creates a new signal that consists of logical operations on existing signals and simulation time
creates a new user-defined design hierarchy region
creates a new signal that consists of concatenations of signals and subelements
creates a new enumerated type
vsim -wlf <filename>
creates a WLF file for the simulation which can be reopened as a dataset

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase