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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Saving a simulation to a WLF file

The results of each simulation run are automatically saved to a WLF file called vsim.wlf in the current directory. If you run a new simulation in the same directory, the vsim.wlf file is overwritten with the new results. Therefore, you should use the -wlf <filename> argument to the vsim command to specify a different name if you want to save the WLF file.

Important: You must end a simulation session with a quit or quit -sim command in order to produce a valid WLF file. If you don't end the simulation in this manner, the WLF file will not close properly, and ModelSim will issue the error message "bad magic number!" when you try to open the dataset in subsequent sessions.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase