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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

WLF files (datasets)

Wave log format (WLF) files store saved simulation data. Any number of WLF files can be reloaded for viewing or comparing to the active simulation. The term "dataset" refers to a logical name that is assigned to the WLF file when it is reloaded.

A dataset prefix identifies each WLF file that is opened. The current active simulation is prefixed by "sim," while any datasets are prefixed by the name of the WLF file. For example, two datasets are displayed in the Wave window below-the current simulation is shown in the top pane and is indicated by the "sim" prefix; a dataset from a previous simulation is shown in the bottom pane and is indicated by the "gold" prefix.

Note: The simulator time resolution (see Resolution) must be the same for all datasets you're comparing, including the current simulation.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase