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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Named port associations

Named port associations are not case sensitive - unless a VHDL port name is an extended identifier (1076-1993). If the VHDL port name is an extended identifier, the association is case sensitive and the VHDL identifier's leading and trailing backslashes are removed before comparison.

Generic associations are provided via the module instance parameter value list. List the values in the same order that the generics appear in the entity. The defparam statement is not allowed for setting generic values.

An entity name is not case sensitive in Verilog instantiations. The entity default architecture is selected from the work library unless specified otherwise.

Verilog does not have the concept of architectures or libraries, so the escaped identifier is employed to provide an extended form of instantiation:

\mylib.entity(arch) u1 (a, b, c);
\mylib.entity u1 (a, b, c);
\entity(arch) u1 (a, b, c); 

If the escaped identifier takes the form of one of the above and is not the name of a design unit in the work library, then the instantiation is broken down as follows:

SDF annotation

A mixed VHDL/Verilog design can also be annotated with SDF. See "SDF for Mixed VHDL and Verilog Designs" for more information.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase