Verilog instantiation of VHDL design units
You can reference a VHDL entity or configuration from Verilog as though the design unit is a module of the same name (in lower case).
VHDL instantiation criteria
A VHDL design unit may be instantiated from Verilog if it meets the following criteria:
- The design unit is an entity/architecture pair or a configuration declaration.
- The entity ports are of type bit, bit_vector, std_ulogic, std_ulogic_vector, vl_ulogic, vl_ulogic_vector, or their subtypes. The port clause may have any mix of these types.
- The generics are of type integer, real, time, physical, enumeration, or string. String is the only composite type allowed.
Port associations may be named or positional. Use the same port names and port positions that appear in the entity.
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