
Overview: Using Tcl Scripts

There are several ways to use Tcl scripts in the Quartus® II software. You can create a Tcl script using commands from the Quartus II Application Programming Interface (API). You can also use Tcl templates and Quartus II Tcl templates to create Tcl scripts. Commands used in the Quartus II Tcl templates use the same syntax as the Tcl API commands. The Quartus II Text Editor supports syntax coloring for Tcl scripts. If you want to use an existing project as a baseline for another project, you can generate a Tcl Script File for a project. You can save a Tcl script as a Tcl Script File (.tcl).

You can keep Tcl Script Files in libraries. When you use the Tcl Scripts command (Tools menu), the Libraries field displays Tcl Script Files stored in the project directory, the <drive>:\<quartus_install>\libraries directory, or in another library you add.

You can open a Tcl Script File, view its contents, and run the file from the Tcl Scripts dialog box. Messages about the results of running the Tcl Script File are displayed in the System tab (Messages window). You can also run Tcl scripts in Tcl command-line mode or from the Quartus II Tcl Console window.

You can add a Tcl Script File to the Tcl toolbar from the Tcl Scripts dialog box. You can also add Tcl Script Files or Tcl commands to the Tcl toolbar using the Tcl tab of the Toolbars dialog box (Tools menu). You can add up to ten scripts.

Go to: More information is available on Tcl on the Altera® web site.

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