
Tcl (Tool Command Language) Introduction

Tcl (tool command language), pronounced "tickle," is a scripting language that you can use to control the Quartus® II software.

With the Quartus II software or another standard text editor, you can create scripts containing Tcl commands, including the Quartus II Application Program Interface (API) functions that are used as Tcl commands. You can generate a Tcl Script File (.tcl) from an existing project created through the Quartus II software. You can also use Tcl (language) templates and Quartus II Tcl templates to create Tcl scripts.

You can run Tcl scripts or individual Tcl commands from within the Quartus II software and other EDA software tools, such as Synplify from Synplicity and Leonardo Spectrum from Mentor Graphics®.

The Quartus II software uses Tcl/Tk version 8.3.2, supported by ActiveState, ( The web site contains many useful resources for Tcl developers.

Altera® recommends the following books for the beginning and advanced Tcl programmer:

Go to: More information is available on Tcl on the Altera web site.

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