Report Window

Compiler Settings Section (Compilation Report)

Displays the following default or user-entered Compiler settings specified in the pages under the Compiler Settings page in the Settings dialog box (Assignments menu):

Option (Compiler Settings Section) Option Name (Location) Setting
Chip name Compilation focus (General page) <chip name>
Family name Family (Device page) <family name>
Focus entity name Compilation focus (General page) <focus entity name>
Device Available devices (Device page) <device name>
Disk space/compilation speed tradeoff Compilation speed/disk usage tradeoff (Mode page) Normal | Smart
Preserve fewer node names Preserve fewer node names to save disk space (Mode page) On | Off
Optimize timing Optimize timing (Fitting page) Normal Compilation | Extra Effort
Optimize IO cell register placement for timing Optimize I/O cell register placement for timing (Fitting page) On | Off
Fast Fit compilation Compilation speed/fmax tradeoff (Fitting page) On | Off
Perform WYSIWYG primitive resynthesis Perform WYSIWYG primitive resynthesis (Netlist Optimizations page) On | Off
Perform gate-level register retiming Perform gate-level register retiming (Netlist Optimizations page) On | Off
Use timing information during fitting Use Fitter timing information (Netlist Optimizations page) On | Off
Duplicate logic elements during fitting Automatically duplicate logic elements (Netlist Optimizations page) On | Off
Duplicate logic elements/resynthesize LUTs during fitting Perform logic element level LUT resynthesis (Netlist Optimizations page) On | Off
SignalProbe compilation Start > Start SignalProbe command (Processing menu) On | Off
Enable SignalTap® II Logic Analyzer Enable SignalTap II Logic Analyzer (SignalTap II Logic Analyzer page) On | Off
SignalTap II File name SignalTap II File Name (SignalTap II Logic Analyzer page) <file name>
Generate compressed bitstreams Generate compressed bitstreams (General page) On | Off


The following example shows the Compiler Settings section for a sample design:

Compiler Settings (Compilation Report)

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