
Programming File Type

Specifies the configuration file format for the output programming file. You can select the following file formats:

Hexadecimal (Intel-Format) Output File for SRAM (.hexout)

Creates a Hexadecimal (Intel-Format) Output File (.hexout) for an SRAM-based device

Programmer Object File (.pof)

Creates a Programmer Object File (.pof)

Raw Binary File (.rbf)

Creates a Raw Binary File (.rbf)

Tabular Text File (.ttf)

Creates a Tabular Text File (.ttf)

Hexadecimal (Intel-Format) Output File for EPC16 (.hexout)

Creates a HEXOUT File for an EPC16 configuration device

Programmer Object File for Remote Update (.pof)

Creates a POF for use in remote update configuration schemes

Programmer Object File for Local Update (.pof)

Creates a POF for use in local update configuration schemes

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