
Creating Jam Files, Jam Byte-Code Files, Serial Vector Format Files, or In System Configuration Files

To create Jam Files (.jam), Jam Byte-Code Files (.jbc), Serial Vector Format Files (.svf), or In System Configuration Files (.isc):

  1. Open the Programmer window.

  2. In the Mode list, select JTAG.

  3. Add a device to the JTAG chain or add a programming file to the JTAG chain.

  4. Choose Create/Update > Create Jam, SVF, or ISC File (File menu).

  5. In the File name box, type the name of the Jam File, JBC File, SVF File, or ISC File you want to create, or select the file name by clicking Browse (...).

  6. In the File format list, select the file type that you want to create.

    1. Under Operation, select the operation of the SVF File.

    2. Under Programming options, turn on or turn off Blank-check.

    3. In the TCK frequency box, type the clock frequency.

    4. In the Supply voltage list, select the supply voltage.

  7. Click OK.

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