Block Editor

Specifying General Properties for a Symbol

To specify general properties for a symbol:

  1. If you have not already done so, open or create a Block Design File (.bdf) or a Block Symbol File (.bsf).

  2. Select the appropriate symbol.

  3. Choose Properties (Edit menu).  Shortcut

  4. In the Symbol Properties dialog box, click the General tab.

  5. Specify the general properties for the symbol.  More Details

  6. To specify the instance name of the selected symbol, select or type the instance name in the Instance name box.

  7. Specify the ports properties for the symbol.

  8. If the symbol is not a primitive, specify the parameters properties for the parameterizable symbol.

  9. Specify the format for the symbol.

  10. Click OK.

Alternative Procedure for Editing Text in the Block & Symbol Editors

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