Block Editor

Ripping & Merging a Bus or a Conduit

To rip a bus into two or more buses:

  1. If you have not already done so, open or create a Block Design File (.bdf).

  2. Determine the number of buses you would like to create from the original bus.  More Details

  3. Draw the new buses.

  4. If necessary, choose the bus line style for the new lines.

  5. If you want, physically connect the new bus to the original bus.

  6. Name the new bus.


To merge two or more buses:

  1. If you have not already done so, open or create a Block Design File (.bdf).

  2. Connect the buses that will be merged.  More Details

  3. Draw the new bus line using the bus line style.

  4. If you want, connect the new bus to the original buses.

  5. Name the new bus.


To merge a conduit and a bus or a node:

  1. If you have not already done so, open or create a Block Design File (.bdf).

  2. Draw the new conduit and the new bus or node.

  3. If necessary, choose the appropriate line style for the new connectors.

  4. If you want, physically connect the bus or the node to the conduit.  More Details

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