Performing SignalTap II Incremental Routing

To perform SignalTap® II incremental routing:

  1. If you have not already done so, perform an analysis and synthesis, an analysis and elaboration, or a compilation on the design.

  2. If necessary, open a SignalTap II File (.stp), or create a new STP File.

  3. Set up the STP File.

  4. If you want, turn on Inc Rte for each pre-synthesis node that you want to incrementally route. Shortcut

  5. In the Data Nodes allocated and Trigger Nodes allocated boxes, select Manual, and specify the number of nodes you want to allocate for data and trigger acquisition.

  6. If you want, add SignalTap II post-synthesis nodes.

  7. Compile the STP File with the current project.

  8. Run the SignalTap II Logic Analyzer.


To incrementally route additional nodes:

  1. Delete some of the incrementally routed nodes.


    Turn off Inc Rte for each node you do not want to incrementally route. Shortcut

  2. Replace the incrementally routed nodes with post-fitting nodes.

  3. Compile the STP File with the current project.

  4. Run the SignalTap II Logic Analyzer.

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