EDA Interfaces

Specifying Resynthesis Tool Settings

To specify options for performing resynthesis with the Quartus® II software and other EDA tools:

  1. If you have not already done so, create a new project or open an existing project.

  2. Choose Settings (Assignments menu) Shortcut.

  3. In the Categories list, select EDA Tool Settings.

  4. In the EDA tools list, select Resynthesis.

  5. In the Tool name list, select the resynthesis tool.

  6. Click Settings.

  7. In the Resynthesis Tool Settings dialog box, make sure that the correct tool name is selected in the Resynthesis tool list.

  8. To specify resynthesis output settings:

    1. Under Optimization effort, select the level of optimization.

    2. Under Retiming, select the retiming level.

    3. Under Physical synthesis, select the physical synthesis level.

    4. If you want the Quartus II software to use the physical constraints generated by the resynthesis tool during recompilation, turn on Use generated physical constraints in the Quartus II software.

  9. Click OK.

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