EDA Interfaces

6. Analyze Design Results with the FPGA Express Software

You can use the Synopsys® FPGA Express Time Tracker static timing analyzer to display estimated delays of critical paths in your project. This Time Tracker provides timing information and a detailed listing of critical paths.

To use the Time Tracker timing analyzer:

  1. If you have not already done so, perform 4. Assign Design Constraints and Optimize Design with the FPGA Express® Software and 5. Generate EDIF Input Files with the FPGA Express Software.

  2. Select the design implementation icon in the Chips window and choose View Results (right button pop-up menu) to display the Time Tracker tabs.

  3. Analyze the timing of your design by viewing the different tables within the Clocks, Paths, and Ports Time Tracker tabs:

  4. If necessary, change the design logic or adjust your timing constraints, and re-optimize the design.

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