Settings and Configuration Files


Specifies the location of the LogicLock region's origin.

For APEX 20K, APEX II, ARM®-based Excalibur, and Mercury devices, the origin is the top left corner of the region. For Cyclone, Stratix, and Stratix GX devices, the origin is the bottom left corner of the region.

A LogicLock region's origin is specified as an absolute location on the device, regardless of whether the region is a top-level LogicLock region or a child LogicLock region. However, if the region is a child LogicLock region, the Quartus® II software interprets the origin as a relative offset from the parent region's origin.

If LL_STATE is set to Locked, the Compiler places the LogicLock region at this location. If LL_STATE is set to Floating, the Current Assignments floorplan displays the region at this location, but the Compiler is free to determine an appropriate location for the region during compilation.

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