Compare menu
The Compare menu provides a number of options for controlling waveform comparisons.
- Start Comparison
Opens the Compare Dataset dialog box (page 11-289) where you can enter reference and test dataset names.- Comparison Wizard
Gives step-by-step assistance while you create a waveform comparison.- Run Comparison
Computes the number of differences from time zero to the end of the simulation run, from time zero until the maximum total number of differences per signal limit is reached, or from time zero until the maximum total number of differences for all signals compared is reached. This information is posted to the Main window transcript and saved to the compare_info.txt file. It is equivalent to the compare run command.- End Comparison
Stops difference computation and closes the currently open comparison.- Add
Compare by Signal - Opens the structure_browser dialog box (page 11-291) and allows you to designate signals for comparison. Compare by Region - Opens the Add Comparison by Region dialog box (page 11-295) and allows you to designate a reference region for comparison. Also allows you to designate a test region of a different name. Clocks - Opens the Comparison Clocks dialog box (page 11-292) and allows you to define clocks to be used in the comparison. - Options
Opens the Add Signal Options dialog box (page 11-298), which allows you to define a number of waveform comparison options.- Differences
Clear - Clears all differences from the Wave window and resets the waveform comparison function. It is equivalent to the compare reset command. Show - Displays the difference in text format in the transcript area of the Main window. It is equivalent to the compare info command. Save - Opens the Specify Differences File dialog box where you can save the differences to a file that can be reloaded later in ModelSim. The default file name is "compare.dif". Write Report- Saves a report of the differences to a text file that you can view. - Rules
Show - Displays the rules or instructions used to set up the waveform compare. It is equivalent to the compare list command. Save - Opens the Specify Rule File dialog box and allows you to assign a name to the file that will contain all rules for making the comparison. The default file name is "compare.rul." - Reload
Opens the Reload and Redisplay Compare Differences dialog box and allows you to enter or browse for waveform rules and difference file names.
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