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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

compare info

The compare info command lists the results of the comparison in the Main window transcript. To save the information to a file, use the -write argument.


compare info

[-all] [-nochildren] [<startNum>] [<endNum>] [-summary]
-write <filename>]



Specifies that all differences (even those marked as "ignore") be listed in the output. Optional. By default, ignored differences are not listed in the output of a compare info command.


Specifies that for compound signals (arrays or records) only information for the top-level compound signal be listed. Individual subelements will not be listed. Optional.


Specifies the difference number to start with. Optional. If omitted ModelSim starts the listing with the first difference.


Specifies the difference number to end with. Optional. If omitted ModelSim ends the listing with the last difference.


Specifies that only summary information be listed. Optional.

-write <filename>

Specifies that the summary information be written to <filename> rather than the Main window transcript. Optional.


compare info

Lists all errors in the Main window transcript.

compare info -summary

Lists only an error summary in the transcript window.

compare info -write myerrorfile 20 50

Writes errors 20 through 50 to the file named "myerrorfile".

See also

compare add, compare annotate, Waveform Comparison chapter

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase