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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

compare run

The compare run command registers required callbacks and runs the difference computation on the signals selected via a compare add command. Reports in the Main window the total number of errors found.


compare run

[<-startTime>] [<-endTime>]



Specifies when to start computing differences. Optional. Default is zero. If a unit (e.g., ps) is used with the time value, the time must be in curly braces. The default units are determined by the simulation resolution. (Default simulation resolution is nanoseconds. Simulation resolution can be changed with the -t argument of the vsim command).


Specifies when to end computing differences. Optional. Default is the end of the dataset simulation run that ends earliest. If a unit (e.g., ps) is used with the time value, the time must be placed in curly braces.


compare run

Computes differences over the entire time range.

compare run {5.3 ns} {57 ms}

Computes differences from 5.3 nanoseconds to 57 milliseconds.

See also

compare add, compare end, compare start, Waveform Comparison chapter

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase