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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

compare start

The compare start command begins a new dataset comparison. The datasets that you'll be comparing must already be open.


compare start

[-batch] [-hide] [-show] [-maxsignal <n>] [-maxtotal <n>] <reference_dataset> [<test_dataset>]



Specifies that comparisons will not be automatically inserted into the wave window. Optional.


Hides all comparisons except those that have at least one difference. Optional.


Shows all comparisons even if they don't have any differences. Optional.

-maxsignal <n>

Specifies an upper limit for the total differences encountered on any one signal. When that limit is reached, ModelSim stops computing differences on that signal. Optional. The default limit is 100. You can change the default using the compare options command or by editing the PrefCompare(defaultMaxSignalErrors) variable in the pref.tcl file.

-maxtotal <n>

Specifies an upper limit for the total differences encountered. When that limit is reached, ModelSim stops computing differences. Optional. The default limit is 1000. You can change the default using the compare options command or by editing the PrefCompare(defaultMaxTotalErrors) variable in the pref.tcl file.


The dataset to be used as the comparison reference. Required.


The dataset to be tested against the reference. Optional. If not specified, ModelSim uses the current simulation. The reference and test datasets may be the same.


compare start gold

Begins a waveform comparison between a dataset named "gold" and the current simulation. Assumes the gold dataset was already opened.

dataset open gold_typ.wlf gold
dataset open bad_typ.wlf test
compare start -maxtotal 5000 -maxsignal 1000 gold test

This command sequence opens two datasets and starts a comparison between the two using greater than default limits for total differences encountered.

See also

compare add, compare options, compare stop, Waveform Comparison chapter

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase