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Model Technology Inc.

compare options

The compare options command sets defaults for various waveform comparison commands. Those defaults are used when other compare commands are invoked during the current session. To set defaults permanently, edit the appropriate PrefCompare() Tcl variable in the pref.tcl file (see "Preference variables located in Tcl files" for details).

If no arguments are used, compare options returns the current setting for all options. If one option is given that requires a value, and if that value is not given, compare options returns the current value of that option.


compare options

[-addwave] [-hide] [noaddwave] [-show] [-ignoreVlogStrengths]
-noignoreVlogStrengths] [-maxsignal <n>] [-maxtotal <n>] [-listwin <name>] [-<mode>] [-separator <string>] [-tol <delay>] [-tolLead <delay>]
-tolTrail <delay>] [-track] [-notrack] [-vhdlxmatches] [-vhdlzmatches]
-vlogxmatches] [-vlogzmatches] [-wavepane <n>] [-wavewin <name>]



Specifies that new comparison objects are added automatically to the Wave window. Optional. Default. You can specify that objects aren't added automatically using the noaddwave argument.


Hides all comparisons except those that have at least one difference. Optional.


Specifies that new comparison objects are not added automatically to the Wave window. Optional. The default is to add comparison objects automatically.


Shows all comparisons even if they don't have any differences. Optional.


Specifies that Verilog net strengths should be ignored when comparing two Verilog nets. Optional. Related Tcl variable is PrefCompare(defaultIgnoreVerilogStrengths).


Specifies that Verilog net strengths should not be ignored when comparing two Verilog nets. Optional. Related Tcl variable is PrefCompare(defaultIgnoreVerilogStrengths).

-listwin <name>

Causes specified comparisons to be displayed in the specified list window. Optional.

-maxsignal <n>

Specifies an upper limit for the total differences encountered on any one signal. When that limit is reached, ModelSim stops computing differences on that signal. Optional. The default is 100. Related Tcl variable is PrefCompare(defaultMaxSignalErrors).

-maxtotal <n>

Specifies an upper limit for the total differences encountered. When that limit is reached, ModelSim stops computing differences. Optional. The default is 1000. Related Tcl variable is PrefCompare(defaultMaxTotalErrors).


Specifies the default mode of signal types that are compared with the compare add command. Optional. The actual values the option may take are -in, -out, -inout, internal, -port, and -all. More than one mode option may be used in the same compare options command.

-separator <string>

Used with the -rebuild option of the compare add command. When a bus has been broken into bits (bit blasted) by a synthesis tool, ModelSim expects a separator between the base bus name and the bit indication. This option identifies that separator. The default is "_". For example, the signal "mybus" might be broken down into "mybus_0", "mybus_1", etc. Optional. Related Tcl variable is PrefCompare(defaultRebuildSeparator).

-tol <delay>

Specifies the default maximum time the test signal edge is allowed to trail or lead the reference edge in an asynchronous comparison. Optional. The default is 0. If a unit is used (e.g., ps) with the time value, the time must be in curly braces.

-tolLead <delay>

Specifies the default maximum time the test signal edge is allowed to lead the reference edge in an asynchronous comparison. Optional. The default is 0. If a unit (e.g., ps) is used with the time value, the time must be in curly braces. Related Tcl variable is PrefCompare(defaultLeadTolerance).

-tolTrail <delay>

Specifies the default maximum time the test signal edge is allowed to trail the reference edge in an asynchronous comparison. Optional. The default is 0. If a unit is used
(e.g., ps) with the time value, the time must be in curly braces. Related Tcl variable is PrefCompare(defaultTrailTolerance).

Graphical representation of tolLead and tolTrail


Specifies that the waveform comparison should track the current simulation. Optional. The differences will be updated at the end of each "run" command, so if you want to see differences soon after they occur, use many relatively short run commands. Related Tcl variable is PrefCompare(defaultTrackLiveSim).


Specifies that the waveform comparison should not track the current simulation. Optional. Related Tcl variable is PrefCompare(defaultTrackLiveSim).


Specifies those VHDL signal states that should be considered a match with a std_logic "X". Optional. Related Tcl variable is PrefCompare(defaultVHDLXMatches).


Specifies those VHDL signal states that should be considered a match with a std_logic "Z". Optional. Related Tcl variable is PrefCompare(defaultVHDLZMatches).


Specifies those Verilog signal states that should be considered a match with a Verilog "X". Optional. Related Tcl variable is PrefCompare(defaultVLOGXMatches).


Specifies those Verilog signal states that should be considered a match with a Verilog "Z". Optional. Related Tcl variable is PrefCompare(defaultVLOGZMatches).

-wavepane <n>

Specifies the default pane of the Wave window in which compare differences will be viewed. Optional. Related Tcl variable is PrefCompare(defaultWavePane).

-wavewin <name>

Specifies the default name of the Wave window in which compare differences will be viewed. Optional. Related Tcl variable is PrefCompare(defaultWaveWindow).


compare options

Returns the current value of all options.

compare options -maxtotal 2000

Sets the maxtotal option to 2000 differences.

compare options -maxtotal

Returns the current value of the maxtotal option.

compare options -ignoreVlogStrengths

Sets the option to ignore Verilog net strengths.

compare options -vlogxmatches XZ0

Verilog X will now match X, Z, or 0.

compare options -vhdlx UXW-

VHDL std_logic X will now match 'U', 'X', 'W', or '-'.

compare options -to1Lead {300 ps}

Sets the leading tolerance for asynchronous comparisons to 300 picoseconds.

compare options -to1Trail {250 ps}

Sets the trailing tolerance for asynchronous comparisons to 250 picoseconds.

See also

compare add, compare clock, Waveform Comparison chapter

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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