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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Preference variables located in Tcl files

ModelSim Tcl preference variables give you control over fonts, colors, prompts, window positions and other simulator window characteristics. Preference files, which contain Tcl commands that set preference variables, are loaded before any windows are created, and so will affect all windows. For complete documentation on Tcl preference variables, see the following URL:

When ModelSim is invoked for the first time, default preferences are loaded from the pref.tcl file. (See "System initialization" for more details.) Customized variable settings may be set from within the ModelSim GUI (Options > Edit Preferences (Main window)), on the ModelSim command line (Tcl set command), or by directly editing the preference file.

The default file for customized preferences is modelsim.tcl. When ModelSim starts it searches for a modelsim.tcl file as follows:

If your preference file is not named modelsim.tcl, or if the file is not located in the directories mentioned above, you must refer to it with the MODELSIM_TCL environment variable.

Model Technology Inc.
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase