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Model Technology Inc.

compare clock

The compare clock command defines a clock that can then be used for clocked-mode comparisons. In clocked-mode comparisons, signals are sampled and compared on a specified strobe.


compare clock

[-rising | -falling | -both] [-offset <delay>] [-when {<expression>}]
-wavewindow <name>] [-wavepane <n>] <clock_name> <signal_path>



Specifies that the rising edge of the specified signal should be used. Optional. This is the default.


Specifies that the falling edge of the specified signal should be used. Optional. The default is rising.


Specifies that both the rising and the falling edge of the specified signal should be used. Optional. The default is rising.

-offset <delay>

Specifies a time value for delaying the sample time beyond the specified signal edge. Optional. The default is 0. If a unit (e.g., ps) is used with the time value, the time must be placed in curly braces.

-when {<expression>}

Specifies a conditional expression that must evaluate to "true" or "1" for that clock edge to be used as a strobe. Optional. The expression is evaluated at the time of the clock edge, rather than after the delay has been applied. See "GUI_expression_format" for legal expression syntax.

-wavewindow <name>

Specifies the name of the Wave window in which the strobe will be viewed. Optional.

-wavepane <n>

Specifies the pane of the Wave window in which the strobe will be viewed. Optional.


A name for this clock definition. Required. This name will be used with the compare signal command when doing a clocked-mode comparison.


A full path to the signal whose edges are to be used as the strobe trigger. Required. The path must include the dataset name.


compare clock -rising strobe

Defines a clocked compare strobe named "strobe" that samples signals on the rising edge of signal

compare clock -rising -delay {12 ns} clock12 gold:/mydesign/clka

Defines a clocked compare strobe named "clock12" that samples signals 12 ns after the rising edge of signal gold:/mydesign/clka.

See also

compare add, Waveform Comparison chapter

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
Voice: (503) 641-1340
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase