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Model Technology Inc.

compare see

The compare see command displays the specified comparison difference in the Wave window using whatever horizontal and vertical scrolling are necessary. The signal containing the specified difference will be highlighted, and the active cursor will be positioned at the starting time of the difference.


compare see

[-first] [-next] [-previous] [-last] [-wavepane <n>] [-wavewin <name>]



Shows the first difference, ordered by time. Optional. Performs the same action as the First Difference button in the Wave window.


Shows the next difference (in time) after the currently selected difference. Optional. Performs the same action as the Next Difference button in the Wave window.


Shows the preceding difference (in time) before the currently selected difference. Optional. Performs the same action as the Previous Difference button in the Wave window.


Shows the last difference, ordered by time. Optional. Performs the same action as the Last Difference button in the Wave window.

-wavepane <n>

Specifies the pane of the Wave window in which the difference should be shown. Optional.

-wavewin <name>

Specifies the name of the Wave window in which the difference should be shown. Optional.


compare see -first

Shows the earliest difference (in time) in the default Wave window.

compare see -next

Shows the next difference (in time) in the default Wave window.

See also

compare add, compare run, Waveform Comparison chapter

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase