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Model Technology Inc.


The project commands are used to perform common operations on projects. Use this command outside of a simulation session.



[addfile <filename>] | [close] | [compileall] | [delete <project>] | [env] | [history] | [new <home_dir> <proj_name> <defaultlibrary>] |
open <project>] | [removefile <filename>]


addfile <filename>

Adds the specified file to the current open project. Optional.


Closes the current project. Optional.


Compiles all files in the current project. Optional.

copy <src_project> <dest_dir> <proj_name>

Copies an existing project to a destination directory with a specified name. Optional.

delete <project>

Deletes a specified project file. Optional.


Returns the current project file. Optional.


Lists a history of manipulated projects. Optional.

new <home_dir> <proj_name> <defaultlibrary>

Creates a new project under a specified home directory with a specified name and a default library. Optional.

open <project>

Opens a specified project file, making it the current project. Changes the current working directory to the project's directory. Optional.

removefile <filename>

Removes the specified file from the current project. Optional.


The following commands make a copy of the /user/georges/design/test3 project at /user/georges/design/test4.

vsim> project history
# 0 /user/george/design/test3/test3.mpf
# 1 /user/george/design/test2/test2.mpf
# 2 /user/george/design/test1/test1.mpf
# 3 /home/prod/release/5.4/modeltech/examples/projects/mixed/mixed.mpf
# 4 /home/prod/release/5.4/modeltech/examples/projects/verilog/verilog.mpf
# 5 /home/prod/release/5.4/modeltech/examples/projects/vhdl/vhdl.mpf
vsim> project copy !0 /user/georges/design test4 

The following command makes /user/george/design/test3 the current project and changes the current working directory to /user/george/design/test3.

vsim> project open /user/george/design/test3/test3.mpf 

The following command causes execution of current project library build scripts.

vsim> project compile 

The following command writes the current vsim tool settings to the current project file.

vsim> project save 

The following commands delete /user/georges/test2/test2.mpf

vsim> project history
# 0 /user/george/design/test4/test4.mpf
# 1 /user/george/design/test3/test3.mpf
# 2 /user/george/design/test2/test2.mpf
# 3 /user/george/design/test1/test1.mpf
# 4 /home/prod/release/5.4/modeltech/examples/projects/mixed/mixed.mpf
# 5 /home/prod/release/5.4/modeltech/examples/projects/verilog/verilog.mpf
# 6 /home/prod/release/5.4/modeltech/examples/projects/vhdl/vhdl.mpf
vsim> project delete !2 

Model Technology Inc.
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase