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Model Technology Inc.

property list

The property list command changes one or more properties of the specified signal, net or register in the List window. The properties correspond to those you can set by selecting Prop > Signal Props (List window) . At least one argument must be used.


property list

[-window <wname>] [-label <label>] [-radix <radix>]
-trigger <setting>] [-width <number>] <pattern>


-window <wname>

Specifies a particular List window when multiple instances of the window exist (e.g., list2). Optional. If no window is specified the default window is used; the default window is determined by the most recent invocation of the view command.

-label <label>

Specifies the label to appear at the top of the List window column. Optional.

-radix <radix>

The listed value <radix> can be specified as: Symbolic, Bin, Oct, Dec, Hex, or Def. Optional. Def stands for default radix which is set using the radix command.

-trigger <setting>

Valid settings are 0 or 1. Setting trigger to 1 will enable the list window to be triggered by changes in the items matching the specified pattern. Optional.

-width <number>

Valid numbers are 1 through 256. Specifies the desired column width for the items matching the specified pattern. Optional.


Specifies a name or wildcard pattern to match the full path names of the signals, nets or registers for which you are defining the property change. Required.

To change the time or delta column widths, use these patterns:


Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase