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Model Technology Inc.

profile report

The profile report command is used to produce a textual output of the profiling statistics that have been gathered up to this point. (Selecting View > Other > Hierarchical Profile (Main window) and View > Other > Ranked Profile allows you to view this data more interactively.)


profile report

[-hierarchical | -ranked] [-file <filename>] [-cutoff <percentage>]



Report a hierarchical listing (Default). Optional.


Report a ranked listing. Optional.

-file <filename>

Specifies a file name for the report. Optional. Default is to write the report to the Main window.

-cutoff <percentage>

Filter entries in the report that had less than <percentage> of time spent in them. Optional. Default is to report all entries (i.e. 0%).

See also

profile clear, profile interval, profile off, profile on, profile option

Note: Profiling must be active when this command is invoked. Use the profile on command to begin profiling.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase