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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

The Macro Helper

This tool is available for UNIX only (excluding Linux).

The purpose of the Macro Helper is to aid macro creation by recording a simple series of mouse movements and key strokes. The resulting file can be called from a more complex macro by using the play command. Actions recorded by the Macro Helper can only take place within the ModelSim GUI (window sizing and repositioning are not recorded because they are handled by your operating system's window manager). In addition, the run commands cannot be recorded with the Macro Helper but can be invoked as part of a complex macro.

Select Macro > Macro Helper (Main window) to access the Macro Helper.

Files created by the Macro Helper can be viewed with the notepad.

Record begins recording and toggles to Stop once a recording begins
Insert Pause
inserts a .5 second pause into the macro file; press the button more than once to add more pause time; the pause time can subsequently be edited in the macro file
plays the Macro Helper file specified in the file name field

See the macro_option command for playback speed, delay and debugging options for completed macro files.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
Voice: (503) 641-1340
Fax: (503)526-5410
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase