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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

The Button Adder

The ModelSim Button Adder creates a single button, or a combined button and toolbar in any currently opened ModelSim window. The button exists until you close the window. (See "Buttons the easy way" .)

Note: When a button is created with the Button Adder, the commands that created the button are echoed in the transcript. The transcript can then be saved and used as a DO file, allowing you to reuse the commands to recreate the button from a startup DO file. See "Using a startup file" for additional information.

Invoke the Button Adder from any ModelSim window menu: Window > Customize.

You have the following options for adding a button:

Locate the button within the window with these selections:

Justify the button within the menu bar/toolbar with these selections:

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase