
VHDL keywords and delimiters

prepared by P.Bakowski

This page combines the list of reserved words and VHDL delimiters. The listed words incorporate the links toward detailed illustartions.

Contents: VHDL'87 reserved words, VHDL'93 reserved words, VHDL'87 attributes, VHDL'93 attributes, VHDL delimiters

VHDL reserved words

The following alphabetically ordered list provides the currently implemented and used VHDL reserved words. The lower and upper case have the same meaning. However, for the reasons of presentation only lower case letters are used.

reserved words for VHDL'87

additional reserved words for VHDL'93

predefined (still valid) attributes for VHDL'87

newly predefined attributes for VHDL'93

VHDL delimiters

<> type MEM is array (natural range <>) of integer; box
= if rst = '0' then ... equality
/= if clk /='1' then ... inequality
>= while mem(i) >= 10 loop .. greater than or equal
<= assert compteur <= 32 ... less than or equal
<= output <= internal_bus after 10 ns; signal assignment
:= reg:= internal_bus; variable assignment
=> case .. when "10" => outputs <= "101"; "then"
=> funct(input1=>"1011", ..) "gets"
< if mem(i) < 64 then .. less than
> if ram(i) > 8 then .. greater than
" report "my message" double quote
' sortie'delayed(20 ns) single quote or tick
. cell.header dot separator
: signal sortie : bit; data : type separator
+ sum: = a + b; addition or positive
- subtr := a- b; subtraction or negative
/ period/2 division (quotient)
* mult= a * b; multiplication
** expo= 2**10; exponentation
& ten_bits = "1010" & six_bits; concatenantion
| when '1' | 'X' => vertical bar , or operator
; end component; instruction or clause terminator
# 8#567# sharp (hash) , literal base
( (0 to 63 left paranthesis
) 31 downto 0) right paranthesis