prepared by P. Bakowski
Contents: entity declaration, architecture declaration, components, component instantiation, components configuration, simple structural descriptions ,blocks, generate statement, configuration modules, user-defined attributes, exercises
The header may include specification of generic constants. Generics allow to determine some quantitative aspects of the structure (e.g. size of the bus) and behavior (e.g. number of counting steps) of the entity.
An example:
The potential composition of architecture module comprises:
Basic structural description
A basic structural description is built from interconnected components. The components must be declared and configured. Then they can be instantiated.
architecture basic of system is
The following example declares a RAM block component with address depth and data width dependent on generic constants. This component can act as a template for a RAM entity .
The configuration statement looks as follows:
The nand component declared in the previous page may be instantiated as (positional association):
function to_int (val_real:real) return integer is .. end to_int; .. component conv_example port(in_real: in real; out_int:out int); end component;
signal real_s: real:= 2.74; signal int_s: integer:= 2;
inst1: conv_example port map(in_real=>to_real(int_s),out_int=>to_int(real_s)); -- actual_to_formal type conversion ins2: conv_example port map(to_int(in_real)=>int_s,to_real(out_int)=>real_s);-- formal_to_actual type conversion ..
Example of configuration module elaborated for the full adder description;
The general form of generate statement is illustrated below:
The general form of block construct :
The following example shows an architecture containing only one block. The signal assignments inside the block are guarded by the condition specified in the header of the block.
The VHDL blocks may be nested. If a block is nested inside another one, the internal block activation condition may be combined with the external block guard. For example, the above architecture may be embedded into a higher level block providing an enable (enb) signal.
The enable signal is validated by the state '1'. Now, the completed architecture may be described as follows:
The modeling solution with register designator:
User attribute declaration and specification
User defined attributes are constants of arbitrary types. Such constants are associated to attribute specification. They quantify additional information about an item, for example the capacitance load on ports. Note that VHDL does not allow any calculation of attribute values. Attributes may be related to an entity unit, an architecture unit, a configuration unit, a procedure or function module, a package, a type or subtype, a signal, a variable, a component, a file, a label, a literal, a unit or a group.
The following is a general form of attribute declaration/specification:
capacitance and drive loading, driver type,
pin numbering, signal arrival time, ...
attribute arrival_time of clk: signal is 4 ns;
attribute pin_number of a_bus: signal is "24";
attribute max_freq of my_FPGA: entity is 10 MHz;
attribute min_power of my_FPGA: entity is 10 mW;
Timing delays may be modified to correspond to the constraints
related to the architecture
attribute max_freq of my_ASIC: architecture is 10 MHz;
attribute max_size of my_FPGA: architecture is 100 s_mm
They may be used by a synthesizer to select the required library.
given function/procedure