Waveform Editor

Comparing Waveform Files

To compare two vectors in the Simulations Waveforms section (Simulation Report) or two waveform files:

  1. Open a waveform file or the Simulations Waveforms section.

  2. Choose Compare to Waveforms in File (View menu).  Shortcut

  3. Select an existing file in the Files list or type a file name in the File name box.

  4. To open both the original waveform file and the compared waveform file, click Open.

  5. To view the compared files, choose one of the following commands:  More Details 

  6. To view all the values for the original waveforms, press Tab or Shift + Tab to move the master time bar incrementally across the time bar, and to reflect the value at the master time bar in Value at.

  7. If you want, you can change the defaults for the colors of the similarities and differences of the compared files.

  8. When you are finished comparing files, choose End File Comparison (View menu).

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