Node Finder

Finding a Node Name in a Quartus II Project

To find a node name in a Quartus® II project:

  1. Perform analysis and elaboration.

  2. If you have not already done so, open the Node Finder.

  3. To limit the search results to names that meet specified criteria, create a custom filter or specify one of the Altera-provided filters.  More Details

  4. If you wish to further limit the search results, specify one or more of the following options:

    1. In the Named box, enter a node name, partial node name, and/or wildcard character(s).

    2. Type the search hierarchy path in the Look in box, or browse for the search hierarchy level:  More Details

      1. Click Browse (...).

      2. In the Select Hierarchy Level dialog box, click the + icon to expand the Hierarchy Tree folder.

      3. In the Hierarchy list, select a design entity instance.

    3. To include the subentities of the hierarchy you entered, turn on Include Subentities in the Node Finder.

  5. To start the node name search, click Start.

  6. To stop the node name search at any time, click Stop.

  7. View the results of the node name search in the Nodes Found list.

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