Text Editor

Indenting Text

To increase the indent of existing text by one tab stop:

  1. If you have not already done so, open a text file.

  2. Place the insertion point or select text in the line you want to indent.

  3. Choose Increase Indent (Edit menu).  Shortcut   More Details


To decrease the indent of existing text by one tab stop:

  1. If you have not already done so, open a text file.

  2. Place the insertion point or select text in the line you want to indent.

  3. Choose Decrease Indent (Edit menu).  Shortcut  More Details


To change the tab size:

  1. Choose Options (Tools menu).

  2. In the Category list, select Text Editor General.

  3. In the Tab size (in spaces) list, type or select the number of spaces you want to indent text.

  4. Click OK.


To indent multiple lines of text:

  1. Select the text you want to indent.

  2. Press the Tab key.


To move the cursor to the previous tab increment position:

  1. Press Shift + Tab.

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