Simulate Mode


Allows you to specify the source of vector stimuli and other options that effect the simulation output waveform. The following options are available:

Source of vector stimuli Specifies the vector source file for simulation. You can also enter vector stimuli in the Tcl Console window.
Automatically add pins to simulation output waveforms Directs the Simulator to automatically add waveforms for all the output pins in the project to the simulation outputs. Turning on this option eliminates the need to manually enter the names of the output nodes you want to monitor. Turn this option off if you want to display specific output waveforms only. This option is unavailable if you specify a Power Input File (.pwf) as the source of vector stimuli.
Check outputs Directs the Simulator to display a comparison of the expected outputs versus actual outputs in the Simulation Report. This option is unavailable if you specify a PWF as the source of vector stimuli.

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