
cmp logiclock_import (Tcl Script API Function)

The cmp logiclock_import function has the following format:

Syntax cmp logiclock_import   [<do_pins> <do_ll> <do_non_ll> <do_update> <allow_create> <region_name>]


Specifies whether to import pin assignments (1 = yes, 0 = no, default = 1). An optional argument.


Specifies whether to import LogicLock region assignments (1 = yes, 0 = no, default = 1). An optional argument.


Specifies whether to import the other, non-LogicLock region assignments, for example, timing assignments or other Entity Settings File (.esf) assignments (1 = yes, 0 = no, default = 1). An optional argument.


Specifies whether to update a region by re-importing it from a lower-level ESF, if you provide a <region_name> argument (1 = yes, 0 = no). This argument defaults to 1, but does nothing unless you specify the <region_name> argument. An optional argument.


Specifies whether the Quartus® II software should create new LogicLock regions when importing (1 = yes, 0 = no, default = 1). You can use this argument to prevent the Quartus II software from importing new LogicLock regions when you update a previously imported region. To update a previously imported LogicLock region without importing new LogicLock regions, you must specify the <region_name> argument and set <do_ll> to 1,<do_update> to 1, and <allow_create> to 0. An optional argument.


Specifies the name of a previously imported LogicLock region. If you set <do_update> to 1, the Quartus II software updates the specified region by re-importing its assignments from a lower-level ESF. When updating the LogicLock region, the Quartus II software does not re-import assignments for the region's child LogicLock regions, but only for the region itself. If there is no region name, use empty double quotation marks (""). An optional argument.

Return Value

Code Name Code String Return
TCL_OK 0 LogicLock import completed
TCL_ERROR 1 LogicLock import failed
TCL_ERROR 1 project has no active compiler setting
TCL_ERROR 1 no project is currently open
TCL_ERROR 1 wrong # args: should be "logiclock_import [do_pins do_ll do_non_ll do_update allow_create region_name]"
Description Traverses the design hierarchy starting at the current compilation focus and, for each entity, imports the assignment types specified by the arguments from the entity's ESF to the the top-level ESF. When you import LogicLock region assignments, if the current compilation hierarchy contains multiple instances of an entity, the Quartus II software instantiates one set of LogicLock region assignments for each instance. When you update a previously imported LogicLock region, the Quartus II software re-imports the region's assignments from the appropriate lower-level ESF into the top-level ESF. The design must be elaborated before this command is executed. You can perform analysis and elaboration with the command cmp start "" analysis_and_elaboration.

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