Memory Editor

Exporting a RIF or VCD File for a Memory File

To export the current Memory Initialization File (.mif) or Hexadecimal (Intel-Format) File (.hex) as a RAM Initialization File (.rif) or a Verilog Value Change Dump File (.vcd):

  1. Create a new MIF or HEX File or open an existing MIF or HEX File.

  2. Choose Export (File menu).

  3. If necessary, in the Export dialog box, select a target directory in the Save in list.

  4. Select a file to overwrite in the Files list or type the file name in the File name box.

  5. If necessary, in the Save as type list, select a either RAM Initialization File (.rif) or Verilog Value Change Dump File (.vcd).

  6. Click Export.

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