LogicLock Regions

Showing LogicLock Regions in the Floorplan Editor

To show LogicLock regions in the Floorplan Editor:

  1. Open the Current Assignments Floorplan.


    Open the Last Compilation Floorplan.


    Open the Timing Closure floorplan

  2. Choose Assignments > Show LogicLock Regions (View menu).  Shortcut


To show a LogicLock region whose top bar is hidden by the top bar of an overlapping parent or child LogicLock region:

  1. Show LogicLock regions in the Floorplan Editor.

  2. Click elsewhere in the Floorplan Editor to deselect the overlapping LogicLock regions.

  3. Click on the overlapping portion of the top bar of the LogicLock region currently hiding the region you want to show.

  4. Choose the LogicLock region you want to show from the pop-up menu.

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