
Launch Software Debugger Command (Tools Menu)

Directs the Quartus® II software to use a software toolset debugger to debug the Binary File (.bin), Hexadecimal (Intel-Format) File (.hex), or Motorola S-Record File (.srec) the Software Builder generates during a software build.

The Quartus II software uses the debugger of the software toolset you selected in the Software toolset list in the CPU page of the Settings dialog box (Assignments menu).

Before you use the Launch Software Debugger command, you must first generate debug information for the Assembly Files (.s, .asm), C Source Files (.c), and C++ Source Files (.cpp) that you are using to generate the BIN File, HEX File, or SREC File. You may also need to direct the Software Builder to keep local signals for debugging during the software build that generates the file.

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