EDA Interfaces

Generating PartMiner edaXML-Format Files with the Quartus II Software

You can generate a PartMiner edaXML-Format File (.xml) in the Quartus® II software that can be used for symbol generation in the Innoveda DxParts software. You can then use the generated symbols in the Innoveda ViewDraw design capture and analysis tool.

To generate the PartMiner edaXML-Format File:

  1. Create a new project or open an existing project.

  2. Specify EDA tool settings. Make sure you select Symbol Generation (ViewDraw) in the Board-level tool list of the EDA Tool Settings page of the Settings dialog box (Assignments menu).

  3. To generate the PartMiner edaXML-Format File, compile the design.

  4. NOTE The Quartus II software places the PartMiner edaXML-Format File in the \<project name>\board\viewdraw directory. If you have already compiled the design, and want to specify different EDA tools settings and generate output files without recompiling the design, you can use the EDA Tool Post-Compilation Commands > Write Output Netlists command (Processing menu).

  5. Use the DxParts software to generate the symbol from the PartMiner edaXML-Format File, and use the symbol in the ViewDraw software.

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