EDA Interfaces

6. Locate Signals to Source with the ModelSim Software

In the Model Technology ModelSim® SE software, you use the Locate to Source feature to select a specific signal in the waveform editor and locate the source of the signal. When you set up this feature, a Quartus® menu is added to the ModelSim waveform editor. The Quartus menu contains the Locate in Design File and Locate in Last Compilation Floor Planner commands.

To set up and use the Locate to Source feature:

  1. If you have not already done so, perform 5. Perform a Timing Simulation with the ModelSim Software.

  2. To set up the ModelSim Locate to Source feature on PCs running Windows NT:

    1. On the Windows NT desktop, choose Settings > Control Panel (Start menu).

    2. Double-click the System icon.

    3. Click the Environment tab.

    4. Click in the Environment Variables box to highlight it.

    5. Type the following in the Variable box:


    6. Type the following in the Value box:

      <disk drive>:\quartus\bin\modelsim_q.tcl

    7. Click Set.

    8. Click OK.

    9. or:

    To set up the ModelSim Locate to Source feature on PCs running Windows 98:

    1. Using a text editor, open your computer's autoexec.bat file.

    2. Add the following lines to the autoexec.bat file:

      SET QUARTUS_ROOTDIR=<disk drive>:\quartus
      SET MODELSIM_TCL=<disk drive>:\quartus\bin\modelsim_q.tcl

    3. Save the autoexec.bat file.

    4. Restart your computer.

  3. To locate a signal from the ModelSim waveform editor to its source:

    1. In the ModelSim waveform editor, highlight a desired waveform.

    2. Choose Locate in Design File (Quartus menu) to view the signal source.

    3. NOTE

      The Locate in Design File command opens the original vendor-generated source file or the Quartus software-generated input file and highlights the line of HDL code corresponding to the signal. If the design source is a schematic generated by the Viewlogic ViewDraw software, this command highlights the signal in the ViewDraw schematic window.

    4. Choose Locate in Last Compilation Floor Planner (Quartus menu) to view the location of the signal in the Quartus® II Floorplan Editor.

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